A Message From the Superintendent
As we prepare to step into this new academic year, I want to express my gratitude for the warm welcome in my new role as superintendent. The Sachem community holds a special place in my heart, and your partnership is instrumental in creating a supportive environment for our ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ. I look forward to collaborating with all members of the Sachem school community to advance our growth as a district and continue to uphold our Sans Egal culture.
Throughout the summer, our teachers have been hard at work preparing for the new school year. Their commitment to providing our ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ with the highest-quality education goes unmatched. We will continue to provide new and exciting academic opportunities for all our ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ, while supporting them so that they can experience success.
Together, we have a lot to celebrate. Please follow along all that is happening in Sachem through our social media accounts, website and through our monthly newsletters. I am eager to achieve new milestones and continue to share our many successes.
As a Sachem alumna, I take immense pride in leading the district where my educational journey began. Thank you for your continued partnership and support.
I hope you get to enjoy the remaining weeks of summer break. I look forward to seeing everyone in September. Take care.
Patti Trombetta
Superintendent of ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈs
Fall Sports Registration
Sachem Athletics Families,
Registration for Fall Sports will begin through Final Forms on the following dates:
Football V/JV- July 19th
All other V/JV Sports- July 26th
Middle ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ Sports- August 5th
If you have not done so already, please register at and review the Parent Playbook ()/() for assistance.
Once registration for sports has begun, you must enroll your child in the sport they intend on trying out for before filling out any forms. Once registered you will then be prompted to fill out all required forms (ex. parent signature, student signature, update form). All of these forms, in addition to a valid NYS and any other that is needed must be completed for the school nurse to be able to review/clear your child for sports.
Building nurses will be available only on the following dates throughout the summer:
High ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈ: August 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27
Middle ¾Ã¾ÃÈÈs: August 20, 21, 26, 27
*Please email your building nurse if you have any questions. Nurses are 10-month employees and will not be in the buildings on any days not listed above. ALL DOCUMENTS ARE SUBMITTED AND REGISTRATION IS DONE THROUGH FINAL FORMS ONLY.
Please note: Steps must be completed in the correct order as listed below.
Add Sport
Complete All Forms
Once everything else is in green, the building nurse will be able to review/clear your child for sports.
Please understand that everything is complete (ALL sections are GREEN) nurses can review and the process will not be completed immediately.